الثلاثاء، 27 مايو 2014

B-52 receives first tech upgrade since 1961: Now with color screens and wireless networking

The B-52H, with a display of its various armaments

The B-52 Stratofortress, which first entered service as a nuclear deterrent during the Cold War in 1952, has received its first ever technology overhaul. This overhaul, dubbed CONECT, brings the B-52H bomber kicking and screaming into the late 20th century, with a digital intercom system, color displays, a LAN for the plane's various systems, and other bleeding-edge upgrades. Previously, the B-52H was a mishmash of digital and analog systems, with monochrome displays and targeting systems that had to be manually programmed from pen-and-paper coordinates. You'll be glad to hear that, like the plane's original load-out, all of the new systems have been radiation shielded for nuclear apocalypse warfare.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1kbCdna

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