الاثنين، 22 سبتمبر 2014

SpaceX rocket carries the first ever zero-g 3D printer to the Space Station

Made In Space 3D printer, for the International Space Station

Early Sunday morning, SpaceX mission CRS-4 lifted off from Cape Canaveral towards the International Space Station, carrying with it the first 3D printer that will operate in zero gravity. When the astronauts aboard the ISS use the 3D printer, they will become the first humans to ever manufacture goods away from planet Earth. It's not quite the Moon- or Mars-based factory that we've always dreamed of, but it's a very important first step towards manufacturing goods outside of Earth's gravity, and thus the eventual colonization and industrialization of the Solar System.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1mBJncL

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