الأربعاء، 29 أكتوبر 2014

Antares rocket explodes during launch

Orbital Sciences Antares rocket exploding as it came back to earth

Last night, an Antares rocket exploded 14 seconds after launch. The Antares, developed by US company Orbital Sciences, was meant to carry around 5,000 pounds (2,260 kilos) of supplies to the International Space Station. No one was harmed by the explosion, though the launch site will have sustained significant damage. We don't yet know the cause of the explosion, but I'm sure that Orbital Sciences' decision to use ancient (but refurbished) Russian NK-33 rocket engines will come under a lot of scrutiny. The six astronauts aboard the ISS will be fine; NASA says they have months of supplies on board -- and anyway, Russia successfully launched its own Progress resupply craft last night, just a couple of hours after the Antares went kaboom.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1tLX2QD

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