الأحد، 30 نوفمبر 2014

Apple denies Aussies big yearly sale

THIS may be the year Apple kills Christmas for its Australian customers, excluding the land Down Under from its huge annual one-day sale.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1y6tGwU

Man pens own obituary. It’s incredible

AS HIS battle with cancer neared a tragic end, Aaron Purmort wrote a heartbreaking yet hilarious obituary that’s sure to be remembered.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/man-pens-his-own-touching-obituary/story-fnjwmwrh-1227140751094?from=public_rss

Drone reveals the town left to decay

A CAMERA mounted on a drone has captured haunting aerial footage that shows the shocking aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/12imhhg

Are you next for the NBN?

THE NBN Co has announced the next 1.9 million homes and businesses across the country to receive the NBN. Are you one of them?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/nbn-co-announces-next-19-million-homes-to-receive-the-nbn/story-fnjwncel-1227140572204?from=public_rss

Ancient coins found in mystery tomb

COINS featuring the face of Alexander the Great have been found at the largest tomb ever unearthed in Greece. Archaeologists are hunting for clues to solve the mystery of who lies buried there.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/ancient-coins-found-in-greeces-mystery-tomb/story-fnjwl1aw-1227140563708?from=public_rss

Lucky escape after car tumbles into sinkhole

THESE guys will never complain about running into a pothole again, after their car was almost swallowed up by a sudden sinkhole.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/mens-lucky-escape-after-car-tumbles-into-sinkhole-in-china/story-e6frflp0-1227140498511?from=public_rss

How to turn your house into a smarthome

STOP living like a 21st century caveman and plug into these clever ways to get yourself a smarter home where fridges talk to us and robots do all the dirty work.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/how-to-turn-your-house-into-a-smarthome/story-fn6vihic-1227140456866?from=public_rss

Is it a bird, plane or violation of privacy?

PRIVACY laws are under the microscope due to the increasing number of remote-controlled drones buzzing across Melbourne’s skies.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/drone-threat-to-privacy-how-should-these-devices-be-used/story-e6frfrnr-1227140234859?from=public_rss

Free things on the internet you need to use

STOP looking at cat videos and photos of people you barely even know on Facebook. This is what you should be doing on the internet in your free time.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/the-best-free-things-on-the-internet/story-fnjwnhzf-1227140205646?from=public_rss

السبت، 29 نوفمبر 2014

The other side of Ferguson

TILL now, the Ferguson saga has been defined by picture of brutality, tear gas and blood. This new image will chang

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/the-other-side-of-ferguson-that-went-viral/story-fnjwnhzf-1227140011521?from=public_rss

The one thing that makes a teen’s brain shut down

SCIENTISTS put some teenagers into an MRI machine and played a recording of their mum nagging them. The results were surprisingly unsurprising.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1y2HRmS

الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2014

Why is everyone posting naked selfies online?

IF you find your social media feeds filling up with photos of wet, naked men, you’re not alone. What’s with the sudden outbreak of public nudity?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1rFMGfJ

Blogger dobs in abusers to their mums

AN Australian tech blogger has turned the tables on internet trolls who sent her abusive rape threats — by contacting their mothers.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vvMsvF

Blogger dobs in abusers to their mums

AN Australian tech blogger has turned the tables on internet trolls who sent her abusive rape threats — by contacting their mothers.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1ymFDxB

ET Black Friday Deals: ThinkPad X1 Carbon for $840, 24-inch monitor $99, USB 3.0 hub $7, more


We hope everyone is enjoying their Black Friday! While some doorbusters have already sold out, there are still plenty of deals to be had for the rest of today and through the weekend. So pop some leftovers in the microwave and get to clicking, because there are no lines here and the fun’s not over…

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1vvcvmB

Crude oil redux: Rare earth elements, and their strategic stranglehold of modern life

Rare Earth

Many have relaxed about the Chinese stranglehold over rare earth elements, but the crisis is far from averted.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1vYkYBo

الخميس، 27 نوفمبر 2014

Apple to kill off its giant flop

IT WAS the iPhone nobody wanted to buy. And now it appears the end is near for the device which left the tech giant red-faced.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1Fyvf92

Navy’s biggest ship unveiled

WITH all the pomp and ceremony that the Navy can muster, its biggest ever ship — HMAS Canberra — will join the fleet at Garden Island this morning.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vqHeBh

Woman’s Facebook revenge against ‘attacker’

WHEN Erica Moloney walked out of the gym on Wednesday night the last thing she expected was to be punched in the face by a random stranger. She got mad, then she got even.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1yivlP2

Thanksgiving turns into Hacksgiving

THE Syrian Electronic Army has hacked into high-traffic news websites with a message about ISIS for westerners.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1yirXn3

Gameboy coming to our phones?

COULD Nintendo finally be getting into the mobile phone space, or does the company have more malicious plans? A new patent filed by the company has gamers very excited.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1FynfTG

Syrian hacking ‘army’ targets sites

THE Syrian Electronic Army has hacked into several news websites, including the New York Times, blocking access for several hours.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vqA01k

$433 for NOT using the iPhone

IT’S an extremely difficult move: How do you get Apple customers away from their iPhones? How about offering them a bunch of cash?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vSFuUH

Dad’s unbelievable Christmas lights record

A DAD has broken a Guinness World record for his mammoth lights display in aid of a charity close to his heart - and the photos are amazing.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1FxaHfj

ET Thanksgiving deals: HP 7 tablet for $50, Xbox 360 with Peggle 2 for $100, more


Happy Thanksgiving! While you settle in to enjoy a festive meal and some time off, our dealhunters are working overtime to find you the best deals - stay tuned through Black Friday and Cyber Monday to see the best of the best. Our best deals today are highlighted by a 7-inch HP tablet for just fifty bucks.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1rsGRaZ

The new dynomak fusion reactor design could make fusion power cheaper than coal

University of Washington's dynomak reactor, detail

A new mathematical model could super-charge an existing fusion reactor design, allowing gigawatt fusion reactors for cost-competitive rates.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1Fwc2mK


As Ebola is predicted to infect up to 1.4m people by January, Hosam Zowawi warns that antibiotic resistant superbugs are the greatest threat to humans now and in the future. The 2014 Rolex Young Laureate for Science & Health tells an audience at the Every Second Counts Forum about his ambitious goal: to reduce the number of infectious diseases globally. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1rr4u3L


Arthur Zang on bringing cardiac medicine to remote Africa - video

The fact that Arthur Zang does not have a medical education has not hindered his quest to bring cardiac aid to rural Africa. When he discovered in 2010 that there were only 50 cardiologists serving 20 million people in his home nation of Cameroon, he looked to his background in computer engineering for an answer.

The result is the Cardio Pad, which as Arthur explains in this session at the Every Second Counts Forum, connects patients in desperate need of medical attention to cardiologists over mobile phone networks. The brainchild of the 2014 Rolex Young Laureate for Applied Technology is a simple solution to a complex problem and could revolutionise cardiac care for millions of people across the continent. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1voDkdq



A massive, hidden continent of caves holds the key to the history of life on earth and could help secure its future, predicts Francesco Sauro at the Every Second Counts Forum. The 2014 Rolex Young Laureate for Exploration says cave systems measuring hundreds of thousands of kilometres could offer up bacteria and minerals for significant developments in medicine and materials science. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1yfBXh5


Olivier Nsengimana on creating a culture of conservation in Rwanda - video

Olivier Nsengimana tells the tale of the grey crowned-crane, a beautiful African bird whose future has been in peril ever since it was adopted as a status symbol by Rwanda's urban elite and as a source of income by its rural poor. Olivier, the 2014 Rolex Young Laureate for Environment, explains at the Every Second Counts Forum why a change of culture is essential if the bird and Rwanda's other endangered animals are to survive. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1HIqprV


Neeti Kailas

In the first Young Laureate session at the Every Second Counts Forum, Neeti Kailas explains that detecting hearing loss at an early stage is essential in ensuring speech, language and cognitive development in children. As the 2014 Rolex Young Laureate for Science & Health, Neeti tells the story of how she created a portable diagnostic device to pioneer hearing loss screening in India. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1AVRYwc


Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Maggie Aderin-Pocock in discussion - video

Inventor of the World Wide Web Sir Tim Berners-Lee and space scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock discuss their work and careers. They look at the inspiration behind their chosen paths and how to encourage the next generation to achieve their own aspirations. Observer editor John Mulholland led the discussion, which provided a conclusion to the Rolex Every Second Counts Forum. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1AVRYw6


Sir Tim Berners-Lee: the World Wide Web was a pretty successful project - video

The inventor of the World Wide Web gave a keynote speech at the Every Second Counts Forum on 15 November, discussing the process behind getting his initial idea noticed. Berners-Lee also gives his views on the current issues concerning his creation, one of which is the campaign for net neutrality, of which he is an advocate. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1AVQX7e


Maggie Aderin-Pocock speaks at the Every Second Counts Forum - video

The renowned space scientist guided the Every Second Counts audience through her whistlestop week, which included a trip to the World Economic Forum and a "dance through the solar system" with the Rosetta space mission. Through her stories, she discussed her desire to aspire, how to create change, and the role of science in the 21st century. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1tvrF7b


Samira Ahmed introduces the Every Second Counts Forum - video

Samira Ahmed, the BBC journalist, writer and broadcaster, opens the Every Second Counts Forum by urging young people to be faithful to "a child like passion about what [...they] want to do in the world". She describes the "remarkable event" as a celebration of "the achievements of so many young people who are using technology and brilliant ideas to try and make change for the world". Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1tvrHfw


Dad breaks Christmas lights record

A DAD has broken a Guinness World record for a mammoth lights display in Australia’s capital city in aid of a charity close to his heart.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1FtWwJZ

YouTube: from Janet Jackson's boob to a binary black hole – video

Digital disruptor Ollie Peart embarks on an interstellar journey around YouTube that begins with a Janet Jackson nipple ring and ends on the impending binary black hole, discovering along the way one mighty universal truth – internet gawpers will watch anything. The first episode of Please Accept Cookies, our new weekly tech series in which Ollie punctures the silicon bubble

• Some footage courtesy of European Space Agency

• Set design drawings courtesy of Tom and Mark Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1HI0eBN


Less Daves and Bobs in IT now

ENROLMENTS in IT courses are falling as new figures reveal that nearly half of all computer system jobs in Australia are held by migrants.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vnWdNJ

Brisbane hit by ‘golf ball-sized’ hail

GOLF ball-sized hailstones, destructive winds and torrential rain are battering parts of Brisbane.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1FuIOVc

الأربعاء، 26 نوفمبر 2014

The amazing ‘ocean’ trapped underground

A MASSIVE rock layer located hundreds of kilometres below Earth’s crust contains an underground ocean trapped by pressure and hot temperatures. This is no ordinary water.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1FsYJ8v

Aussies are driving these celebrities mad

HIGH profile musicians like INXS, Tina Arena, Josh Pyke and The Potbelleez have slammed Australians, accusing us of potentially killing their careers.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1z0GN0Z

Google’s next big thing is ... spoons?

FORGET world conquering robots, driverless cars and fancy computer glasses. Google is investing in the humble spoon.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/11W2zZD

The worst ‘reply-all’ email fails

FOR these people, a seemingly innocuous click of the mouse nearly unravelled everything. Here are nine of the most cringe-worthy email reply-all mistakes ever.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1ydnBh1

ET deals: $150 off Galaxy S5, $100 of Note 3, more at T-Mobile for Black Friday Week


Black Friday is almost upon us, and that means the offers have begun to pour in. T-Mobile is here with some early Black Friday savings, slashing prices on flagship smartphones like the Galaxy S5, plus the Note 3 and plenty of other great phones. All their phones are available for $0 down, and this savings takes a healthy bite out of your phone payment plan.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1uXAKLo

Why Twitter has everyone furious

THE social media site is abuzz with angry users this morning after it announced a change to the site. So what has it done to get people so worked up?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1y2KhD5

NASA has successfully created the first 3D printed object in space


NASA takes a giant leap toward more flexible long-term missions with the successful test of a 3D printer on the ISS. Future astronauts may be able to simply print replacement parts on-demand.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/120WolX

ExtremeTech’s 2014 holiday gift guide: High tech futuristic gift ideas for geeks and nerds

ExtremeTech Holiday Gift Guide 2014: Futurama robot Santa and reindeer

With Christmas and the holiday season fast approaching, we've compiled a list of all the gadgets that we at ExtremeTech we've bought -- or are saving up to buy -- so that you, or perhaps a friend or loved one, can feel like they're living in the future, too. Without further ado, I give you ExtremeTech's 2014 Holiday Gift Guide For The Discerning Geek Who Wants To Feel Like They're Living In The Future.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1vkrmQH

NASA preps launch of four satellites that will finally suss out the origins of Earth’s mysterious magnetic field


This coming March NASA will be launching the Magnetospheric Multiscale Nission (MMS), a effort ten years in the making which will hopefully answer some of the many outstanding questions we have about Earth's magnetic field. In particular, the mission will create the first detailed three-dimensional maps of a process known as magnetic reconnection -- the phenomenon we experience most directly as geomagnetic storms, solar flares, and even the aurora.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1vO5vo3

Intel roadmap update: Skylake on track for 2015, will debut alongside Broadwell-K

Intel CPU wafers

Intel has given a full set of updates to its product roadmaps for 2015 and even into 2016 -- here's what the company is planning across its entire range of products.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/15xYcW2

Is facebook a tool for terrorists? - video explainer

Should facebook bear any responsibility for the death of British soldier Lee Rigby? A British parliamentary report found that Michael Adebowale, one of Rigby's killers, sent a Facebook message in 2012 saying in "graphic terms" he wanted to kill a soldier. Should the US technology firm have stepped in and alerted security services? Could it have even if it wanted to? Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1y1puQi


Jackie Chan Blu-ray disc boosts solar panel efficiency by a massive 22%

Blu-ray disc

Researchers at Northwestern University have used Blu-ray discs -- of Jackie Chan's Police Story 3: Supercop, to be exact -- to increase the efficiency of solar panels by 22%.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/11UbSsU

الثلاثاء، 25 نوفمبر 2014

Twitter boss’s ironic Twitter fail

OH DEAR. He meant to send a private message to a colleague regarding a business deal. But instead, Twitter’s chief financial officer accidentally shared it publicly.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xDainq

The craziest film plot since Sharknado

A HARMLESS little Barina is undergoing a series of tests when a bizarre accident results in it mutating into something horrible. What happens next? You’ll have to watch. If you dare.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1CdnbfO

Recharge your phone in 30 seconds: Yes, really

ONE of the most worst things about mobile phones could soon be fixed, with a company claiming it has developed a battery that can be recharged in seconds.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1yajJO1

That moment you realise you’re stuck

OH the indignity. This little critter was lucky some officials were passing by when he got stuck.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1rqQO37

The cosmic case of the missing stars

A MASSIVE population of stars has disappeared, leaving scientists totally stumped as to where it could have gone.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1reywYo

The selfie that made Abbott’s popularity soar

THE Prime Minister’s surge in likes from young people in New Delhi prompted speculation he had been importing offshore followers. Turns out it’s all thanks to one really powerful selfie.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vk8HG6

The 12 tiny things which could wipe us out

WHEN you think of threats to Australia you think fires, floods and cyclones. But there are much smaller things which could do much more damage.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1CbuZP4

Intel announces 32-layer 3D NAND chips, plans for larger-than-10TB SSDs

NAND flash silicon die

Intel has announced its leaping into the 3D NAND market, courtesy of its partnership with Micron. Can it steal early momentum from Samsung?

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1pjPcwr

ET deals: LG Viper LTE Smartphone plus USB modem with free talk, text, data for $70


FreedomPop continues to shake up the market with their $0 per month cell phone plans, and as Black Friday approaches, they're offering a great deal on a certified pre-owned LTE smartphone and USB modem, bundled together for just $70. As always, you never have to pay again to continue getting internet and cell service.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1xXQwbi

This $700b Apple takes historic bite

A RISE in Apple shares has pushed the market value of the company above $US700 billion ($757 billion), becoming the first company to hit the milestone.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1ycoGXn

A simple new circuit design could double cellular and WiFi bandwidth


A new radio design from the University of Texas may have found a way to transmit and receive data simultaneously, without the need for specialized software networks. Could this new technology transform cellular broadband and WiFi data speeds?

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1yc18BS

6 tech tips to improve your Thanksgiving holiday weekend


Thanksgiving is a wonderful day dedicated to spending time with your friends and family, but many of us are overwhelmed by all of the stress associated with a holiday this big. Plans need to be made, dinner needs to be cooked, and everything needs to get wrapped up right before an all-out shopping bonanza. Thankfully, we have technology at our disposal that can help alleviate some of the holiday stress. In preparation for America's favorite holiday, I've come up with six ways to use gadgets and the internet to get things done more efficiently, and help us all enjoy ourselves just a little bit more.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1vJT3oR

The first zero-g real coffee machine arrives at the Space Station (thanks to the Italians, of course)

ISSpresso espresso coffee machine

Yesterday morning, Italy's first female astronaut arrived at the International Space Station, carrying the first zero-g Certified Italian Espresso coffee machine. The machine, called the ISSpresso, was created by a couple of Italian companies after another Italian astronaut returned from the space station in 2012 and complained about the lack of good coffee in Earth orbit.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1ybBkpD

‘Tis the season to get in the game

New consoles, fresh accessories and more games than you could play in one holiday break: gamers are being wooed in a serious way this Christmas.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uBfF4r

Games, guitars and gadget gifts

The serious business of summertime play is upon us, with Nintendo launching a new console and plenty of gaming and hi-tech gadgets to keep all occupied.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uBfExh

الاثنين، 24 نوفمبر 2014

Is this the worst ad ever?

SONY’S latest commercial tries to tell you not to be ashamed about... masturbating. Or maybe gaming. It’s not very clear.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1AL7F9d

Samsung’s huge phone flop

INCREASED competition in key markets by Apple and cheaper Chinese brands has led to one of Samsung’s biggest devices being a flop.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1rmajdj

Where did Tony’s new friends come from?

THE Prime Minister has finally discovered some popularity in an unexpected place - but he’s also been accused faking it.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1AL7BXe

‘Underwater Pompeii’ found off Greek island

RESEARCHERS knew there were ruins of some sort in the shallow waters near a Greek island. But little did they realise the extent of what they would find below.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xPCgjK

Nintendo’s shocking secret

THE gaming giant has made a shocking announcement about one of its most beloved characters. They have warned fans that it’s a “strange story”.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xvEssL

ET deals: Lenovo ThinkPad Helix 11.6-inch ultrabook with Windows 8 for $700


Lenovo's ThinkPad Helix is a powerful convertible, designed to be ultraportable and loaded with business-ready features including Windows 8 Pro. Right now Lenovo is slashing a hefty 55% off the regular price, dropping your cost down to just $700 for this very capable laptop.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/15ht8tJ

Is this the worst ad ever?

SONY’S latest commercial tries to tell you not to be ashamed about... masturbating. Or maybe gaming. It’s not very clear.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/15hrjg7

‘Abductee’ returns to alien site

A BRIGHT light in the forest. A strange flying disc. Snatched by aliens. Abductee Travis Walton wants you to join him at the site where “it happened” 40 years ago.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vGGv1Y

SpaceX aims to use autonomous spaceport drones to recover rockets


Elon Musk has shared a number of details regarding the company's plans to recover its Falcon rockets. Next on the menu? Drone sea-going landing pads.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1v5q3oM

Australia, this is why yuo carnt spel

LET’S face it, even the most confident of spellers admit to tripping up now and for some of us it’s a lot more often. From read and red to licence and science, here’s why we get the same words wrong.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1FkSHEO

New Regin malware is an incredibly sophisticated spy tool, possibly developed by the US government


A new form of Trojan has been detected in the wild, and it's one of the most capable and stealthy programs ever detected. Symantec details the new Regin malware -- and its likely ties to national governments.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/15g1UmY

New virus could be worst ever

A NEW computer virus has been called one of the worst ever. It can get complete access to your computer and even turn on your webcam without you knowing.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/11PVPeJ

Top tech cars of the 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show

Jeff Conrad with the 2016 Honda HR-V Crossover at 2014 Los Angel

The annual Los Angeles Auto Show continues to dazzle with new car intros and concept cars.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1xUee8s

New computer spying bug found

A NATIONAL government may be behind newly-discovered malware that has been secretly gathering data on people and organisations for years.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1Fjkpll

Data-gathering bug secretly spreads

HACKERS are using sophisticated malware to take control of computers, steal passwords — even monitor phone calls.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1r0KcxV

IS uses ‘porn image’ in propaganda tweet

THERE’S an old rule on social media, be careful what you tweet. So perhaps someone should have told the propaganda team at IS when someone tweeted this.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vhZL3V

Xbox One gamers ‘feed me’ works

IT is one of the drawbacks of being a mad-keen Xbox One gamer — the nagging empy stomach. Now teens do not have to shout at their mums for food.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vEysSX

الأحد، 23 نوفمبر 2014

The sweetest story you’ll read all day

IF THE internet sometimes makes you lose faith in humanity, read this. One man has just received 30,000 birthday cards from all over the world after a Facebook post from his mum went viral.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xJe6av

Hidden ‘butt-cam’ with serious aims

ANOTHER social experiment video is going viral — but this one has a message. Are we sick of these clips, or can this one leave others behind?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1qVHhqj

السبت، 22 نوفمبر 2014

The 2014 pictures you need to see

EBOLA, Ukraine, the Islamic State. In a year dominated by major global events, these are the pictures you need to see. Warning: Graphic content.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1vaU4EO

The 2014 pictures you need to see

EBOLA, Ukraine, the Islamic State. In a year dominated by major global events, these are the pictures you need to see. Warning: Graphic content.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/155BGUl

الجمعة، 21 نوفمبر 2014

The truck that drives itself

WANT to put your feet up on a long drive? The technology that enables it is just around the corner. But will it be legal?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1r78Iry

Inside the car that drives itself

THE future has officially arrived. Motoring writer Joshua Dowling takes a (slightly apprehensive) ride in the car that steers, brakes, and drives itself.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xAtHJl

Alienware’s knockoff Steam Machine finally ships, but it’s not the gaming PC you’re looking for

Alienware Alpha

There was a lot of hype surrounding the impending launch of Valve's Steam Machine platform, but much of the excitement dissipated when the first wave of machines were delayed until 2015. Now, Alienware is going in alone, and shipping its own consolized gaming PC.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1ukQEu9

Qualcomm will enter ARM server market with major partners, broad solutions

World Qualcomm

Qualcomm is launching a new server initiative that could bring it into direct conflict with Intel in the near-term future. This could be a game changer for ARM and x86 alike.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1r5MA0F

European space plane set to launch

EUROPE has announced the February launch of its first-ever ‘space plane’, just weeks after the fatal crash of Virgin Galactics SpaceShipTwo.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xWKuFB

Amazon developing free, ad-supported video streaming service, report claims

Amazon Streaming

Amazon is developing a free, ad-supported, video streaming service to sit alongside Amazon Instant Video, multiple sources report.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1xco68a

ET deals: 30% off Dell Chromebox or Chromebook 11


Powered by Google's lightweight Chrome OS and using the cloud to do the heavy lifting, Chrome hardware aims to deliver typical laptop/desktop performance at a much lower price. At $180 and $279 respectively, Dell's Chromebox and Chromebooks are in stock and on sale with a 30% discount today.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1xco5RI

AMD shows off Carrizo, declares it on time and coming in first half of 2015

AMD Carrizo

AMD has published a new video showcasing its Carrizo APU -- and claims the chip is on-time and on-schedule for 2015.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1ujuEzD

2015 Honda CR-V review: Tech and safety features of $60,000 luxury car for half the price


Imagine driving a mainstream Honda with the tech and safety features of $60,000 luxury cars. It’s here now at half the luxury car price. Adaptive cruise control, self-steering lane keeping, collision mitigation and pedestrian braking are all offered on the 2015 refresh of America’s best-selling SUV. The CR-V is also safer, more fuel-efficient, and the cabin is more luxurious this time around.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1vvOZZ5

Twitter co-founder’s Australian plan

TWITTER co-founder Jack Dorsey talks up his plans to break into Australia with a new app that acts as a real-time cash register for small businesses.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uiJmqH

الخميس، 20 نوفمبر 2014

Sorry Google Maps, that’s not quite right

GOOGLE Maps isn’t perfect at the best of times — and in this particular case, it’s engaged in a blatant piece of wishful thinking.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1x8Ci23

Why you should play RPG games

THE latest Dragon Age game, Inquisition is finally out. Will this finally push traditionally geeky RPG games to the masses?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xvX93k

Bus runs on human waste

A NEW ‘Bio Bus’ which has begun operating in the UK uses a fuel that will never ever run out.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1ugz1eZ

Yep, summer’s gonna be a scorcher

AUSTRALIA, go and stock up on ice cream. In fact, it might pay to buy a whole ice cream truck. It’s official. Summer 2014/15 is set to sizzle.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uFMUqE

Creepy cam site is spying on baby monitors

A DISTURBING website has hacked thousands of closed circuit cameras and even baby monitors — and efforts to shut it down are proving fruitless.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/11I3jRV

New calls to close creepy cam site

A DISTURBING Russian website has hacked thousands of closed circuit cameras and even baby monitors — and efforts to shut it down are proving fruitless.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1x7clQn

ET deals: YouthDigital teaches young students to code with Minecraft for $149

Youth Digital Character 672x371

YouthDigital has designed this unique class to teach students as young as eight the fundamentals of java by creating fun and engaging custom mods for Minecraft. Just in time for the holidays, they're offering an weekend sale that chops 40% off the usual price, bringing the cost down to just $149.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/14TmgCA

World’s largest lithium-ion battery to be built in Southern California, dwarfs previous installations


Southern California Energy and AES Southland have announced a new 100MW lithium-ion battery facility to come online by 2021.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/11kgUOA

This tiny $100 box lets you really feel the bass, even using headphones


Feeling the bass thud in your chest at a concert or at a movie theater is a vital part of the experience, and we often miss that in the home environment. So, what if you could get that same sensation while playing a PS4 game, or listening to an album on Spotify? That's exactly what the Woojer is designed to do.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1yuK9cl

‘I made $1m playing Call of Duty’

TWENTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD Matt Haag makes more than you do by playing video games. Here’s how he does it.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1qzUd54

Analyzing Nvidia’s new AA: Can MFAA improve image quality without a frame rate hit?


Nvidia's latest graphics driver delivers a new type of antialiasing in modern games -- Multi-Frame Anti-Aliasing, or MFAA. Does it help Assassin's Creed Unity's frame rate?

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1F4AlrH

Corning unveils new Gorilla Glass 4, can now survive drops 80% of the time

Corning Gorilla Glass, bending

Corning has unveiled Gorilla Glass 4, a new and improved version of the Gorilla Glass that, when it adorns the front of your new smartphone or phablet, can survive drops of 1 meter onto a rough, hard floor 80% of the time. As part of the announcement, Corning also had some things to say about sapphire glass. Read on for more details.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1xWGNAx

Netflix already watched in Australia

NETFLIX, which is officially launched in Australia next year, is already seen by thousands of thousands of us through the “back door”.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1BQd54r

Firefox drops Google as global default search provider, switches to Yahoo

Firefox new logo (2013), large

For almost the entirety of Firefox's 12-year history, Mozilla -- and thus Firefox -- has been primarily funded by a lucrative deal with Google. Since 2004, Google has been paying Mozilla around $100 million per year -- or about 85% of Mozilla's total income -- to keep Google as the default search provider. Today, that finally changes: Google is out and Yahoo is in.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1uW2cJl

New cameras ‘the death of DSLR’

DIGITAL SLR cameras could face extinction after Samsung predicted they would lose their lead over advanced smaller cameras in just 18 months.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1qyA9Qv

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider discover two new supermassive particles

Another part of the LHCb detector

Clearly, we still have a lot more to learn about the universe: The Large Hadron Collider, famed for its discovery of the Higgs boson, has discovered two new subatomic particles. Known as Xi_b'- and Xi_b*-, the two particles had previously been predicted to exist by the formidable hypothesizing powers of particle physicists, and now they have been observed and confirmed by CERN's LHCb team.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1HpGdQj

الأربعاء، 19 نوفمبر 2014

What looking at your phone does to your spine

WE STARE at them for hours a day. But just how much damage is looking down at our phones doing to us?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1tiJ8Q4

Why Netflix in Austalia will ruin everything

NETFLIX is officially launching in Australia next year. But don’t get excited just yet. It may just make things worse for Aussie consumers.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1thVE2u

Apple `to put Beats on every iPhone’

First Apple put a U2 album on everybody’s iPhone. Now it is set to give everyone a music streaming service whether they want it or not.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1AjJM8B

ET deals: Lenovo U530 15.6-inch Core i7 touch laptop with GT 730M for $749


With a Core i7 processor, 1080p touch display, dedicated graphics and a battery life of up to 10 hours, the U530 is a strong performer for everything from multimedia to gaming to traveling. Right now you can take $500 off this well spec'd config, but hurry as this deal ends today.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1uRRMdI

High-resolution audio: Is 2015 the year it takes off?

Sony high-resolution audio gear - HAP-S1/B

High-resolution audio: It's finally hitting our smartphones and audio devices, and a number of download services are offering it, but is it ready for prime time?

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1HlGrry

MRI sniper scope lets us watch single cells crawling around inside your living brain


While the bread and butter of any brain interface is stimulating and recording neurons, there is much more to the brain than that. Researchers from Osaka have now perfected a way to watch neurons actually move within their element; a way at least we might say, to capture what it is they might actually be doing.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1F0xlMT

UK mission to the moon launches Kickstarter campaign - video

Lunar Mission One launches a crowdfunding drive on Wednesday, which offers donors a chance to have a digital memory box buried on the moon. The project plans to launch a robotic probe by 2024 to drill deeper below the surface than ever before. More than 800 people signed up within hours, after being asked to pledge £60 or more Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/14LZso9


EFF and Mozilla join forces to encrypt the entire web by giving away free HTTPS certs

Let's Encrypt free certificate authority banner, EFF Mozilla

Starting in 2015, everyone will be able to get their hands on a free, officially sanctioned SSL/TLS certificate so that HTTPS can finally be enabled everywhere. The new service -- a certificate authority (CA) called Let's Encrypt -- is led by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Mozilla, and the University of Michigan, with Cisco and Akamai joining as major launch partners. If you don't know much about SSL, TLS, and HTTPS, trust me when I say that this is a very big deal.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1uw7JVp

WhatsApp protects users from snoops

WHATSAPP will encrypt text messages for its 600 million users, a move which will no doubt be criticised by governments and hackers worldwide.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1HkOCoa

Comet lander Philae detected organic compounds on the surface, just before shutting down


Philae may have gone to sleep, but the lander's scientific data is still being analyzed. Organic molecules -- the possible precursors for life -- have been detected in 67P's thin atmosphere.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/14L80vA

‘Access more’ information that was denied

THE State Government will be able to put more information on the internet without needing teams of lawyers to redact anything it could be sued for in a bid to increase transparency.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/14KYlFh

The perfect planet-sized dark matter detector is already in orbit: GPS satellites

dark gps head

The search for dark matter may progress more quickly than expected, thanks to a new proposal to use the global network of GPS satellites to probe the nature of the universe.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1tdSYCP

Sex Pistols singer blows $17,000 on iPad games

THE world of app gaming has claimed an unlikely victim. Everyone has their vices, but John Lydon’s is an odd one.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1t4sk0b

الثلاثاء، 18 نوفمبر 2014

Is this guy tougher than Putin?

IF Vladimir Putin was sitting in a cafe and an armed gang burst in and attacked patrons, would he be more or less animated than this fellow Russian?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uH85u7

Tor software no longer safe

Internet users seeking to conceal their identity with encryption software may be in for a rude shock.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1t3FSJs

Grand Theft Auto’s graphic sex update

THE Grand Theft Auto franchise from gaming company Rockstar is no stranger to controversy and the game’s latest update has continued its reputation to shock.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/14IRoEx

Australia’s catastrophic blind spot

AUSSIES like to think that we are well equipped to deal with natural disasters but a leading figure in emergency management has delivered a major wake-up call in the way we think about deadly floods, cyclones and bushfires.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/11qYlbf

Netflix faces Aussie battle for viewers

TV and music streaming service Netflix is coming to Australia and its biggest challenge is how it can force its own customers to sign up.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1t308ed

How to lose your job in one tweet

ANGRY students have staged a walkout after their assistant principal retweeted a racist post that has managed to offend just about everyone.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/14HLsvH

Samsung realizes it’s making too many phones, will cut lineup by 30%


Samsung has always made a phone for every niche in the market, but now it's pulling back as profits continue to lag. Instead it will focus on few devices and a tighter supply chain.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1qTDC6y

ET deals: Lenovo Z40 Core i7 laptop with GT 820M for $619


Looking for a well spec'd laptop for everyday use that's also portable and up for the occasional gaming session? Get all this for just $619 in the Lenovo Z40, a sweet 35% off the regular price while this limited time coupon is here.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1qTsA1g

Intel’s third-generation Xeon Phi to use 10nm technology, deploy second-generation Omni-Path fabric

Xeon Phi

Intel has announced its upcoming Knights Hill Many Integrated Core product is coming on 10nm technology. The third-generation Xeon Phi should further expand the capabilities of the family with 50 or more cores and over 16GB of on-card memory.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1uMAIWn

Russia now has an ‘inspector satellite’ that could chase down or destroy other orbiting spacecraft

GPS satellite constellation

According to Earth's dedicated team of satellite observers, Russia is developing a satellite that can chase down other satellites. Obviously, such an ability could be used for the forces of good, such as repairing or refueling other spacecraft -- but the rest of the world is worried that Russia might be looking to blow up other satellites, or to get close enough that it can take photos of classified designs or eavesdrop on communications.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/11h6ak5

Comet probe ‘sniffs out’ organic matter

THE Philae lander discovered organic matter in the atmosphere after its historic landing on a comet, say scientists.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/14G6n2g

Intel will combine PC and mobile divisions: A bold move that might spell the end for Atom

Sebastian Anthony, gazing wistfully into a 22nm Intel Bay Trail wafer

Intel will combine its PC and mobile chip divisions, according to an email sent to employees by CEO Brian Krzanich. There's no word on how this might affect Intel's future PC and mobile products, but presumably this might be the end of either the Atom or Core line of chips -- which, to be honest, is probably a sensible move given how the latest Atom and ultra-mobile Core chips are fairly close in terms of performance and power consumption.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1xMo6i5

Nokia N1: An iPad Mini clone that runs Android 5.0, priced at just $250

Nokia N1 tablet

What looks like Apple's iPad Mini, but has better specs, is considerably cheaper, and runs a stock version of Android 5.0 Lollipop? The new Nokia N1 tablet, apparently. At just $250 with 32GB of storage -- as opposed to the iPad Mini 3's base price of $400 for the 16GB model -- the Nokia N1 is definitely priced to sell.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1qkNQCy

Nokia unveils tablet to take on iPad

FINNISH telecom equipment group Nokia has announced an unexpected return to mobile devices with a tablet aimed at the Chinese market.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1wSARV6

Students design the ‘unstealable bike’

IT’S A cyclist’s dream — a bike that can’t be stolen. Three students came up with a genius idea which means thieves have to destroy the bike to steal it.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xSOKqm

الاثنين، 17 نوفمبر 2014

What’s in Nokia’s mystery box?

NOKIA is teasing us with a mysterious black box, that could turn out to be a big rival to Apple TV.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1wRpHQt

Putin wants his own Wikipedia

Russia is launching its own version of Wikipedia to provide “detailed and sufficient” information — but don’t expect to be able to edit it.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1u4kZNi

App blocks you from Facebook while drunk

IT’S the app you are probably too embarrassed to admit that you desperately need. It locks you out of social media if you’re on the drink.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uIbR5W

Ford reveals new super Mustang

FORD has revealed its new Shelby GT350 Mustang. With the Mustang making its way to Aussie shores in 2015, is this super Mustang set to join it?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1qi6hYn

Snapchat’s new feature could turn creepy

SNAPCHAT now offers you the chance to send money to your friends through the app. But will it create a new arena for cyber stripping?

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1wQUhtK

BlackBerry says ‘no’ to Kim Kardashian

BLACKBERRY has said no to Kim Kardashian being a spokeswoman for their brand. Kardashian, a longtime BlackBerry lover, is apparently not what the brand wants.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1xyGXPS

Google Maps goes underwater

GOOGLE has dived Sydney’s beaches and scaled Mount Kosciuszko on a photographic journey through some of Australia’s most stunning locations.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1uEyc4o

Library ‘steam cleaned’ after sex show

A UNIVERSITY library was reportedly steam cleaned after a student was caught using it for a solo online sex show.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1yfot42

Nvidia’s new Tesla K80 doubles up on GPU horsepower

Nvidia K80

Nvidia's new GK210 powers the upcoming K80 Tesla GPU -- and this dual-chip monstrosity should be a serious HPC behemoth. Just don't expect it to hit your home PC any time soon.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1yeKujq

ET deals: Samsung UN55H6203 55-inch Smart TV + $300 Dell gift card for $848


With a full array of Smart features and a crisp image, this 2014-edition Samsung HDTV is a high-quality 55-inch TV. Assuming you can spend a $300 Dell gift card (with the holidays coming up, this probably won't be a problem), you can snag it for a crazy low net cost of just $548.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1qgeyMs

MIT can now use E. coli DNA tape recorders for living and replicating data storage


Cold hard storage capacity like that is great, but what if that kind of power could be integrated with something more alive -- something like a single cell, or for that matter, integrated into every cell. Researchers at MIT's Synthetic Biology Center have just succeeded writing multiple analog streams of real-time environmental data into the genetically transformed hardware of a distributed population of bacterial cells. Living, breathing computers like this are a tremendous advance over the simple encoding of arbitrary digital data with DNA microchips.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1uzUt3z

Curse of the world’s most expensive watch

THIS is the world’s most expensive watch, but is it also the most cursed? Its illustrious owners have a sorry history of misfortune.

from NEWS.com.au | Technology News http://ift.tt/1HbbIxm

Windows 10, build 9879: A new folder icon, and other jaw-dropping changes

Windows 10, build 9879: OMG, a new folder icon

Microsoft, making good on its promise to regularly push out new versions of Windows 10 Technical Preview, has released build 9879 -- and there's a surprising number of changes under the hood. Most notably, Windows 10 is now starting to look like a new (or at least different) operating system -- but there's also some nice tweaks, such as the ability to remove the new Search and Task View buttons from the taskbar, and an early look at the new 'Continuum' Start menu.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1EVQlhv

Philae bouncing across comet 67P, as seen from orbit by Rosetta’s high-res camera

Philae bouncing across comet 67P, crop

The European Space Agency has released an amazing set of images that show Philae bouncing across the surface of comet 67P. During its initial descent, Rosetta's Philae lander failed to fire its landing harpoons -- and thus proceeded to rebound off the hard comet, travelling hundreds of meters into the air before coming back down for a second landing about two hours later. We still don't know where Philae finally landed, but the photos released by the ESA are rather extraordinary.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1sZdTun

The Netherlands has laid the world’s first solar road – we go eyes-on to investigate

Solaroad in Amsterdam

The first solar roadway has opened in Amsterdam -- we've put eyes and hands on the surface and its various characteristics.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1ERxH8B