الخميس، 27 نوفمبر 2014

Arthur Zang on bringing cardiac medicine to remote Africa - video

The fact that Arthur Zang does not have a medical education has not hindered his quest to bring cardiac aid to rural Africa. When he discovered in 2010 that there were only 50 cardiologists serving 20 million people in his home nation of Cameroon, he looked to his background in computer engineering for an answer.

The result is the Cardio Pad, which as Arthur explains in this session at the Every Second Counts Forum, connects patients in desperate need of medical attention to cardiologists over mobile phone networks. The brainchild of the 2014 Rolex Young Laureate for Applied Technology is a simple solution to a complex problem and could revolutionise cardiac care for millions of people across the continent. Continue reading...

from Technology + Video | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1voDkdq


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