الاثنين، 6 يوليو 2020

Microsoft Azure Continues To Blow Up — So This Video/eBook Bundle Can Help Make You An Expert

A worldwide medical pandemic and social unrest is taking a serious bite out of most companies’ bottom lines. And while most Microsoft profits were largely unaffected by COVID-19 last quarter, one area that was changed was cloud operations arm Azure.

They were up. In a big, big way.

In fact, Azure saw a 59 percent increase in revenue, largely on the backs of organizations supercharging their efforts to push everything to the cloud. Now that the stampede to the cloud has intensified, it’s a prime opportunity for IT experts or fresh hungry newcomers to the business to be completely up to speed on Azure. You can get all the background you need with the training in The Complete Microsoft Azure eBook and Video Course Bundle ($29.99, over 90 percent off).

This package includes four videos and six ebooks exploring everything you need to know to migrate, manage, grow and protect a network of any size and complexity on the Azure platform.

The four videos are comprehensive, with each covering over two to six hours of content a piece. With all that training, you’ll know exactly how to plan, manage and monitor apps with Azure (DevOps with Azure), how to use Node.js to help build those fast and scalable network apps (Modernize Node.js Web Apps with Azure App Service), how to leverage Azure services to build your own PaaS cloud (Azure Platform as a Service, Web & API Application Deployment), and even how to integrate artificial intelligence into your apps and your entire business network (Azure Cognitive Services for Developers).

And after all those deep dive, you’ve still got a six-volume reference library of Azure learning to fall back on as well. These books cover all the basics from basic cloud networking practices to determining the right solution to your cloud issues to speeding up day-to-day tasks with uber-tool PowerShell to mastering access management questions.

All together, faithful students could expect to spend over $700 for all this training. However, the package is on sale now for only $29.99, less than $3 for each video and ebook.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.

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sourse ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://ift.tt/2VVdRvs

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