الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2020

This Collection Can Help You Add Ruby On Rails To Your Impressive Web Development Resume

If you want to get hired as a web developer, you can’t only know the same stuff that everybody else knows. You’ve got to know some of that “other stuff” to help set you apart. And in the current coding climate, that “other stuff” certainly includes Ruby and its most popular framework Rails.

While it doesn’t have the widespread usage or cool-kid pizzazz of Java or Python, Ruby on Rails is still a much in demand discipline that’s currently the driving code behind about 1 million websites, including powerhouses like Airbnb, Hulu, Basecamp and more.

You can add Ruby on Rails to your resume now with the training found in The Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp Certification Bundle ($35.99, over 90 percent off).

When you unpack this collection, you’ll find five different courses covering more than 40 hours of training in all the Ruby of Rails basics, including introductory commands, its most powerful resources, and practical exercises for how to use Ruby on Rails as part of your future builds.

Even if you’ve never coded anything before, the 2020 Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp course gets you started right, offering first-timer training in how pros use Ruby and Ruby on Rails to create. Along with Programming and Ruby Basics, this duo is a solid primer that eventually tasks students to build three Ruby on Rails projects centered around their training, including a login application and a user authentication system that actually works.

Next, Intermediate Ruby on Rails 6 advances the training, introducing users to more difficult concepts, including authentication with Devise, generator usage, Ajax, external APIs, secure credential management, and more. At the end, it’s time for another cool training project, this time assembling your own social media app for tracking financial data.

The coursework ultimately leads to Web App Development Fundamentals with Ruby on Rails 6, where users learn to prototype ideas and turn them into working apps quickly. Then  ActionCable and Real-Time Features with Ruby on Rails turns the spotlight on the popular  ActionCable library, a means of inserting real time features like a chatroom into a Ruby on Rails creation.

Each course usually retails for $200, but right now, this package of Ruby on Rails instruction is on sale for only $35.99.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.

Now read:

sourse ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://ift.tt/2ZWT5xB

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