الثلاثاء، 24 يونيو 2014

iFind: World’s first battery-free Bluetooth location tag raises $500,000, despite all the hallmarks of being a giant scam

iFind Bluetooth tracking tag, on a cat

In what is best described as a slow-motion bank robbery, it appears that a Kickstarter scam is about to walk away with over $500,000. The iFind, developed by WeTag, purports to be a battery-free Bluetooth tracking tag. WeTag says it has developed some magical, patent-pending technology that allows the iFind to harvest enough power from the air to operate the Bluetooth beacon forever, without a backup battery. Sadly, a bit like the Solar Roadways project, iFind sounds too good to be true, and 10,000 unfortunate backers are probably about to be conned out of $500,000.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/UFMxPC

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