الأربعاء، 23 يوليو 2014

Falcon 9 performs another perfect soft landing – SpaceX now confident it can land back at the launch pad (video)

SpaceX Falcon 9 launch

Following the tenth launch of a Falcon 9 rocket last week, SpaceX is reporting that the rocket's first stage carried out a perfect soft landing back here on Earth. This is the second time that SpaceX has successfully soft-landed a Falcon 9 rocket launch, and now Musk's commercial space exploration company is confident enough that it can take the next, most important step: soft landing the Falcon 9 on a solid surface, so that it can be reused in future launches, instantly cutting down the cost of a space launch by tens of millions of dollars. If all goes to plan, SpaceX will attempt a soft landing on a solid surface in October, and then again in December.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/Ut0rUs

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