الاثنين، 28 يوليو 2014

What happens if you get hit by the main beam of a particle accelerator like the LHC?

CERN's Large Hadron Collider -- it's large

I don't know about you, but ever since I started covering the Large Hadron Collider and other large-scale particle accelerators for ExtremeTech, I've always morbidly wondered: What would happen if a scientist was accidentally hit by the main particle beam? Would the scientist explode in the style of beam weapons in Star Trek? Would the beam bore a hole clean through the scientist's chest? Or maybe the beam would do nothing at all and pass through the scientist harmlessly? Well, fortunately (unfortunately?) we don't have to guess, as this exact scenario actually happened to Anatoli Bugorski, a Russian scientist, way back in 1978.

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1l7Jg2c

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