الجمعة، 17 يناير 2020

Become A One-Person, One-Stop Full-Stack Developer With This $13 Training Course

If you want to get hired and stick as a web developer, it definitely helps if you can play on both sides of the ball. And just like that football-based example, generalists who are just as comfortable on front-end, user-facing programming like CSS and HTML as they are on back-end, server and database work are the all-in-one answer many companies seek.

You can get that experience working on building all sides of a thriving web environment with the training in The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course, now $13 (over 90 percent off).

Your guide through more than 20 hours of in-depth instruction is Joseph Delgadillo, a top-rated technology teacher with strong reviews (4.3 out of 5) from his nearly 85,000 students.

Over more than 85 lectures, Delgadillo will turn students with a basic understanding of page building into true full-stack wizards. The training focuses on three specific coding projects as your work building a functioning calculator, a weblog and a chat app get you familiar with the most popular tools of a JavaScript professional.

As you use ReactJS, NodeJS, Redux, Material-UI and more, you’ll build an understanding for all the steps in creating a working web package, skills you can use to help jump in and solve any company’s web development needs.

Average full-stack developer salaries approach six figures, so this course can easily justify its $13 investment if you’re motivated enough to take advantage.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.

Now read:

sourse ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://ift.tt/2Rqyuwn

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Full Stack Development Company provides the best full-stack customization and integration services that help their clients in getting the best web applications for their business. A Full Stack Development team consisting of specialists from various development technologies and a skilled one who can club all these experts.
    You can Hire Full Stack Developers from them to build pixel-perfect web applications, SaaS applications, web portals, and much more.
