الاثنين، 20 يناير 2020

Microsoft Access Can Find Data Insights You May Have Missed. Learn To Use It For $30

You probably know Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, but there’s a decent chance that Microsoft Access is just another Office app that sits on your desktop unopened.

That’s a mistake — because the industry-leading information management tool can be a massive untapped resource, going well beyond Excel spreadsheets to better gather and connect information, increase productivity and provide deeper data insights.

The Ultimate Microsoft Access Mastery Bundle ($29.99, over 90 percent off) pulls together all the best recent Access 2019, 2016 and 2013 training, offering up a fully-rounded view of how to get the most out of this sneaky powerful software.

With 224 lectures covering over 50 hours of training, this training filled with exercises and testing delves into everything you need to know, from creating and maintaining Access databases; to using Access tables, relationships and keys; leveraging task automation and customization, and producing advanced reports that dig deep into your data.

After each course, you’ll also earn a certificate of completion as proof of your Access skills.

Usually priced at $594, this coursework can make you an advanced Access user for just $29.99.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.

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