الثلاثاء، 11 أغسطس 2020

Get Over 60 Hours Of Elite Coding Training For Just $40

While the uncertainty and unemployment surge of the past few months is in no way pleasant, the precarious state of your professional life right now can also serve as a real opportunity for those bold enough to face the challenge.

In fact, if you’re skilled in areas of major need, you could actually do very well in the current climate. Even with recent world changes, web developers continue to be a prized commodity on the job market, still forecasted as one of the top in-demand jobs over the next five years.

You can take a confident step into that future now with the training in The 2020 Ultimate Web Developer and Design Bootcamp Bundle, now on sale for just $39.99, a savings of over 90 percent off the regular price.

This package features 11 courses with nearly 70 hours of comprehensive training that can get even non-coders up to speed on all the basics of web creation, the foundation you need to be a working web development pro.

This coursework is centered on training in core disciplines and building blocks, like the bedrock essentials HTML and CSS.

Over four courses, including Modern Web Design Complete HTML & CSS, The Complete 2020 HTML5 CSS3 Course with Flexbox, Grid & SASS, The Ultimate HTML Developer, and Build Responsive Real-World Websites with CSS3 v2.0, learners come to understand how HTML serves as the backbone for all web pages and apps, while CSS outlines the style and functionality of web creations.

That core training will be enough to get students to their first major skills test, the Create an 8-Bit Website course, where users create a hobby or even resume/portfolio site in the style of old-school Nintendo era video games.

JavaScript and its role in web creation gets its full due in JavaScript Essentials, exploring how critical tools like Node.js, Vue.js, React.js, and more factor into web projects big and small. From there, training escalates with the Web Design JavaScript Front-End Code Course, and finally the JavaScript for Beginners: Learn with 6 Main Projects training, which brings a host of challenging assignments forward to make sure a coder’s JavaScript skills are on point.

There are also courses here for helping users learn how data is used in Understanding APIs & RESTful APIs Crash Course, while Git Essentials: The Step-by-Step Guide to Git & GitHub Mastery outline best practices for getting a web project finished the right way. Finally, there’s even background in using Python in the Python for Everybody: The Ultimate Python 3 Bootcamp.

This giant collection is valued at nearly $2,200, but it’s all on sale now for just $39.99.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. See the relevant retail sites for more information. For more great deals, go to our partners at TechBargains.com.

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