الجمعة، 11 يوليو 2014

Amazon launches cut-price Dropbox competitor Zocalo, takes a page from Microsoft’s monopolistic playbook

Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Bill Gates, from way back in 2001

Amazon, after years of letting Dropbox ride its cloud storage coattails, is finally launching its own cloud storage and sharing service: Zocalo. Priced at just $5 per month for 200GB of storage, the oddly named Zocalo is about a third of the price of Dropbox. With the ability to annotate documents and integrate with your IT dept's corporate directory, Zocalo is also going after Google Drive/Docs. This approach of imitating an existing product, but then attempting to do it bigger and better, is straight out of Microsoft's 1990s heyday playbook. (And both Bezos and Gates live in Seattle, hmm...)

sourse ExtremeTech http://ift.tt/1mnm7Nb

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